If you are asking the random of a big number then that will be true.

I think I remember that to generate a list of random numbers what you should be doing is asking questions like

If you wanted to generate a random list with the numbers 1 thru 10
random(10) -> 3
Now you pick the 3rd item of the list of integers{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} you pick 3 and remove the 3rd item.
Your random list is {3}
Now you pick the 3rd item of the remaining integers {1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}: you pick 4 and remove the 3rd item.
Your random list is {3,4}
And so on.


On Jan 27, 2005, at 7:35 AM, Dave Cragg wrote:

Although I'm sure this is fine in practice, this kind of solution always makes me a little nervous. In theory, it could take for ever to find a unique set of numbers. While my testing shows it never takes longer than a millisecond, Murphy's law says that the first time you put it into an application, it will take three days. :)

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