I'm baffled....can anyone help?

Mac OS 10.3.4
RunRev 2.5 Studio

To see if I can't get hold of this printing malarkey, I created a new mainstack. I placed 1 field on the 1st card and set its 'showBorder' to false. I pasted some text from texEdit into the field. I set the font to monaco, and the size to 9. I chose "print card' from the file menu, and printed the card.

On screen, the card is plain white with some 9 point monaco text on it.
The printed page has a white border, the area of the field being light grey. The text is at least 11 point.

To check, I printed the same text from texEdit, all appears on the page as expected ie. 9 point monaco.

Is this normal? Does anyone recognise this?



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