Aloha, all!

Thank you, Kevin, for the introduction. And thank you, Richard, Mark, Dan, for your very kind comments - the check is in the mail! ;)

Seriously, I am incredibly excited to be your Evangelist.

As Kevin pointed out, I'm here to help.

I am here to help:
• Promote your Revolution-built applications,
• Publish your programs and utilities through our new revSelect program, and,
• Offer you what marketing and advertising advice I can

I am also one link between you and the company. If you have comments or questions about Runtime Revolution, please feel free to contact me. I am RunRevRo on AIM/iChat. I live in the UK and am usually online throughout the day and, often, late at night. [The 8 hour time difference between here and California is a real killer.]

I can also be contacted via email [pfflist] at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Obviously, there's a lot more. The important thing is that I am here to help you. Your success will only make the entire Revolution community and, of course, our company, stronger.

Ro Nagey

PS: Yes, Heather Nagey is my beautiful bride. :)

On Feb 17, 2005, at 1:18 PM, Kevin Miller wrote:

Hi everyone,

It is my pleasure to introduce Ro Nagey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> as our new
Evangelist for Dreamcard and Revolution. His AIM screen name is RunRevRo.

Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools

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