Thanks, Rob.

The message watcher shows only a mouseMove being generated either upon gliding over linked text, or upon moving off it. However, the following mouseLeave handler changes the background color of the linked text upon moving off of it. Which makes me confused, since I don't see the message generated, and because the second part of this same script (the repeat section) only triggers when the mouse actually leaves the field rectangle. (BTW, I got this hilite/unhilite script from the Cookbook... the repeat I made up because I need it to act on other related hilited text in two other corresponding fields.)


on mouseLeave
  -- unhighlight any currently highlighted text:
  if storedHilitedChunk is not empty then
    do "set the backgroundColor of" && \
        storedHilitedChunk && "to empty"
    put empty into storedHilitedChunk
  end if

  repeat with y = 1 to 3
    repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines of field y
      set the backgroundColor of line x of field y to empty
    end repeat
  end repeat

  pass mouseLeave
end mouseLeave

On Feb 19, 2005, at 8:26 AM, Rob Cozens wrote:

Hi Mark,

what message (besides mouseMove) is sent to Revolution when the hovering mouse moves off a chunk of linked text?

I don't know the answer; but if you open the Message Watcher window from the Development menu and perform the mouse action, you can see all resulting messages.

Rob Cozens CCW
Serendipity Software Company

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