The "rope" is just below the graphic tools on the pallette (Rectangle, Circle, 
etc.).  Thought this was the tool for grouping a bunch of things together.  Maybe you're 
right and it's just implicit when you are in edit mode.




Can you tell me what 'dotted rope' tool you're referring to? The right way to select a bunch of controls that aren't grouped, I think, is to use the select tool and draw a rectangle around the outsides of the controls.

Unless I"m just dense, which is certainly possible.


On Feb 20, 2005, at 5:55 AM, Len Morgan wrote:

I'm a (very) new user an I'm having a little trouble with the Studio IDE. I'm trying to layout a card with a few labels and the text fields to collect information from the user. I want to select a group of labels and move them around a little and I've used the dotted "rope" thingy before but I can't seem to make it work any more. I can't even get the "rope" to display as I try and draw it. What are the exact steps I need to take to select a group of controls to adjust their position together?

Just to explain where my problem is, when I select the rope tool, the Run and Edit buttons BOTH come up. If I try and click on an area to start my selection process, I only get the first control that the mouse hits. If I click on the Edit button on the pallete, the rope tool gets unselected. I know this is a real bonehead mistake on my part (because I've done it before).


Len Morgan
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