Hi Tom,

Interesting... Many people have the opposite problem. That is they jump into starting projects, but can't figure out how to finish them.

But, I certainly know exactly what you're going through. Many, many years ago, I worked for Texas Instruments as an Industrial Designer. Our job was to create new products and concepts using technology developed by TI. There was this one designer who came in every day at 8AM and imediately took out a pencil and drew a line on a page. Then we went and got coffee. He said it 'broke' the 'white space' problem many designers get when staring at a fresh clean piece of paper. Worked for him. Frankly, I never could get beyond anything but expense reports before 10 AM :-)

Generally, when I can't get going, I tend to think about the creative process and try and 'invent' a new way to do something-- and this seems to stimulate me. Course, everyone's different. For instance, last night I had to put together a bunch of notes for a client...kinda boring stuff. I ended up spending the night creating a new web template and then loading it up with all the notes. Now it looks 'pretty cool' and solved the problem.

I really like Sarah's approach...find a small part of the problem..say the printing or the internet connectivity, and work it out first. Something which will be 'fun' to do.

Good luck!

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