
I am not sure what it is exactly that you are asking. But have you looked in the documentation under drag?
You said: no handlers in the other controls on the card will get triggered (right?),
But: I think that you can trap and act upon a few things while doing a drag:
dragDrop - Sent to the object where data was dropped when a drag and drop finishes.
dragEnd - Sent to the object a drag and drop started from, when the data is dropped.
dragEnter - Sent when the mouse pointer moves into an object during a drag and drop.
dragLeave - Sent when the mouse pointer moves out of an object during a drag and drop.
dragMove - Sent when the user moves the mouse during a drag and drop.
dragSource - Returns the long ID of the object that dragged data was dragged from.
dragDestination - Returns the long ID of the object that dragged data was dropped on.
dragData - Returns the long ID of the object that dragged data was dropped on.

I would think that you could combine a custom property in your "drop zone" item and during a drag do a test as to what is being dragged and wether it is appropriate to drop it or not and then act upon that.


On Feb 23, 2005, at 10:04 AM, Jerry Balzano wrote:

Here's the situation: say the user is dragging a green group. Other grouped controls on the card have green "slots" (actually fields with different text color) that need to signal that they will "accept the drop" of the green group, which they do by hiliting their border (actually turning off their threeD property temporarily). Since I have an object attached to my cursor (the green group I'm dragging), no handlers in the other controls on the card will get triggered (right?), so I seem to have no choice but to iterate over the controls, and do a test inside the original green-group handler (or — gasp — inside an "idle" handler) like
if the mouseLoc is within the rect of control i
then set the threeD of control i to false

I foresee this "solution" scaling badly as the number of controls on the card increases. But I don't at the moment see a better one. Is there?

Thomas J. McGrath III SCS 1000 Killarney Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15234 412-885-8541 _______________________________________________ use-revolution mailing list

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