Thanks everyone for the suggestions and comments. I most certainly will not hesitate to ask a questions as I journey down the road to becoming a Revolution builder ;-)

Kevin, I agree that there is a lot of high quality introductory material included with 2.5. Its just that right now I can only attack Rev with small chunks of time and a "tutorial" PDF would make it easier to keep track of where I've been and where I plan to go... I would love to take a weekend and just immerse myself and explore all of the videos and scripts and projects, but until that weekend comes I need to just chip away at it. That's why I bought Dan's book (which I'm anxiously waiting for :-) to help keep me on track.



Feb 23, 2005, at 6:44 AM, Kevin Miller wrote:

On 23/2/05 4:00 am, "Richard Gaskin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When I was evaluating Revolution previously, I remember seeing
a tutorial section under help.  I couldn't seem to find it in
the 2.5 version, so I just ordered Dan's book : )

Somehow the "Getting Started" stuff fell out of v2.5 -- not sure how
that happened, but I'm sure they're rushing an update which will restore
that critical missing element.

Actually, there is lots of new Getting Started material in v2.5. Its in the
Learning Center, within revOnline. You'll find video and PDF guides that
teach the key aspects of the product you need to know, as well as 10 fully
commented and documented Sample Projects to take apart and learn from, and
50 Sample Scripts.

You can also find the Video / PDF guides on our web site at:

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools

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