Hi Mark,

i will try to answer some of you questions, too, if you don't mind...


Here's a set of wonderings I posted a couple of days ago directed to Dan Shafer. My current specific project involves a narrated eBook where text hiliting (line level) would essentially follow the recorded voice. There would be multiple fields on any given card that would require real audio to be read in support of them.


Questions that I have would involve:

Audio formats:
What's the best for working with Rev under different circumstances? MP3, MP4, AIFF (huge files), M4B, etc. What are the trade offs in terms of fidelity, file size, ease of manipulation, compatibility.

I guess that QuickTime may NOT be possible? Think so...

Benefits/drawbacks of the different formats:
X-platform issues, standards that can succeed across them? Example: Books on tape use the m4b format which apparently includes striping of some sort which allows a user to resume listening at a place he left off. It may not to be compatible with Rev; at least when I tried to import such a file into a stack it was howlie garbage.

For spoken words the AU fileformat may be a good choice.
Quality is acceptable, so is the filesize AND it is crossplatform WITHOUT QuickTime...

Audio/text synchronization:
How can I synchronize a longer audio file with real-time text hiliting features? Example: I want to have the narration/reading (real recorded voice, not text-to-speech) of a book playing while corresponding text is hilited on screen. Not word by word, necessarily, but at least paragraph by paragraph. How might the audio drive the hilite feature in a text field (and vice versa)? Can audio files somehow be tagged so as to trigger corresponding text events, call handlers that would import new text, scroll fields, etc. Or would this have to occur in reverse. It would be nice if audio could have markers that would be linked to text lines and trigger handlers. But that may be fanstasy.

I would suggest to set and use "callbacks"... "Callbacks" can trigger actions/handler and will do what you want.

Short explanation of "callbacks":
They are special properties of player objects where you define a time and the player will
trigger a handler at that time...

I have a littel stack at Rev-online "Fun with callbacks" that will get you started...

Playback of multiple streams: Can more than one audio event play back at once?
Music synched with voiceover located in different files?

Don't know about Unix/Linux, but with players you can have differnt sounds playing at the same time
on windows without QuickTime...

No problem on a Mac anyway ;-)

Audio File Storage/retrieval/loading:
How would one anticipate and pre-load audio audio files so that there is seamless playback from file to file? Where are the files kept, and how can they be queued so that the user hears no gaps or clicks, etc.?

Hmmm, any logical folder management will do.

There is "prepare" command, that will "pre-load" audioclips , but that will only work with the
"play ac xyz" command...

With QuickTime you could create a SMIL-file (XML-like text file that tells QT to play files in a row...)
and play that single file (that may contains the reference to many other files. I am about to release
a little SMIL-lib in the next time :-)

Memory requirements:
How much memory needs to be allocated to achieve a seamless integration of on screen visuals and supplemental audio? How would this happen?

Sorry, no idea...

Hope that helps a bit :-)


Klaus Major

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