I am chiming in late on this - so I might be confused...

But if you are looking to have a checkbox in a field that switches back
and forth when checked - I have a field that does this. The following
script goes in the field:

On mouseup
   put word 2 of mousecharchunk() into aaa
    put character aaa of me into B
    if chartonum(B) = 254 then 
      put numtochar(168) into character aaa of me
      set the textfont of character aaa of me to "wingdings"
      set the textsize of character aaa of me to 16
    else if chartonum(B) = 168 then 
      put numtochar(254) into character aaa of me
      set the textfont of character aaa of me to "wingdings"
      set the textsize of character aaa of me to 16
    end if
end mouseup

just make sure the field has the checkbox character in it to start out
with: *

I know - that probably looks like a bullet point - but if you change
it's font to wingdings, it will look like a checkbox.

If this is covering old ground for you, my apologies.


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