
gs> .... when a handler is called,
gs> can its script identify its caller and if so how? I guess there is some 
gs> context description available but I don't know how to find it in the 
gs> docs.
gs> Obviously the engine does know this information - it's just a question 
gs> of if and how it's made available to the developer.

From time to time, i'm using this script which comes mostly
from some part of the Rev debugger.... don't remember in details :-)

So, anywhere you want to know the path of all the callers, just put

   PrintExecutionContexts "whateveryoulike"

in your script....
and it does the trick. But, as it comes from
*inside* Rev, and it's not in the Doc.... you have been warned :-)

Hope this help
Regards, thierry

on PrintExecutionContexts val
  put the executionContexts into t
  put empty into B
  set the itemdelimiter to comma
  get item 1 of line 1 of t
  put the name of it into tObj
  put item 2 of line 1 of t into tHandler
  put item 3 of line 1 of t into tLineNoCallNext
  delete line 1 of t
  delete last line of t
  put tHandler & " in " & tObj & " line " & tLineNoCallNext &  " at " & the 
long time & cr into H
  repeat for each line L in t
    get item 1 of L
    put tab & item 2 of L & " in " & the name of it & " line " & item 3 of L & 
cr after B
  end repeat
  Infos H & val &cr& B
end PrintExecutionContexts

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