> This means that time is not a river flowing 
> from the past to the future, but a series of 
> motion picture frames blurring together into 
> the illusion of constant movement into the 
> future.

And even this falls apart at the quantum level of vibrating strings and 
dimensional "sheets" the bump into each other initiating "Big Bangs" throughout 
the theoretical 16 dimensional universe.  In the Quantum Electrodynamic (QED) 
view of the universe (via Feynman diagrams) light/information travels forwards 
and backwards in "time" creating a quantum flux or foam of particles that make 
up our tiny slice of reality.   Cool topic guys and gals.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Wieder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mar 23, 2005 4:22 PM
To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution@lists.runrev.com>
Subject: Way OT : time and tao


Wednesday, March 23, 2005, 9:12:13 AM, you wrote:

LJ> However, if something caused this 4-D space to come into existence -
LJ> well, that was an action. For any action to actually happen, there must
LJ> be some sort of time.

Er... no. Humans have a hard time wrapping their minds around the idea
that time simply didn't exist "before" the big bang. Time as a
dimension came into being at the same... er... time... as the other

Trying to talk about time before the Big Bang is like trying to
imagine cutting a board to a length of -2 feet.

My favorite way to look at time, though, is to examine the Planck
length, theoretically the smallest unit of distance. So if there's a
smallest distance and the speed of light in our universe is constant
and limited, then there's a smallest increment of time; that being the
time it takes a photon to traverse the Planck length. If there's a
smallest increment of time, then time is quantized. This means that
time is not a river flowing from the past to the future, but a series
of motion picture frames blurring together into the illusion of
constant movement into the future.

-Mark Wieder

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