I think your head can be protected from hurt if you consider the
proof by Gödel that no logical system can be both complete and
internally consistent. Thus we shouldn't expect our mental logical
system to be able to deal with everything without throwing up the odd

If you like thinking about such things, I recommend that you look at
the book Gödel, Escher, Bach: the eternal golden braid by Douglas

At 2:52 PM -0500 23/3/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
My favorite head-hurting concept regarding origin of the universe

If this 4-D space (more like 11-D if you want to get technical about it)
in which we find ourselves has a starting point (like the big bang),
then what caused that to happen?

Unless you believe in A-Causality, something had to start it.

Now, time, as understood in modern physics, is a component of the fabric
of space-time that defines this 4-D space.

However, if something caused this 4-D space to come into existence -
well, that was an action. For any action to actually happen, there must
be some sort of time.

This implies some sort of time that exists outside of the fabric of
space-time that defines our 4-D space.

This implies more than one dimension of time! Multiple dimensions of
time would allow for (but not require) all sorts of time-travel and
cross-time communication scenarios. We could have apparent breaks in
causality (to those inside the inner dimension of time) such as the
grandfather paradox, but would not have true breaks in causality.

Fun stuff.

-- Michael J. Lew

Senior Lecturer
Department of Pharmacology
The University of Melbourne
Parkville 3010

Phone +613 8344 8304

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