On Saturday, March 26, 2005, at 02:53  PM, Mikey wrote:

Has anybody written handlers similar to a couple of the more popular
ones in HC, e.g. ss, c, etc.?

Here are a few I use:

on commandKeyDown whichKey -- use like command-F in HyperCard
if whichKey <> "E" then pass commandKeyDown
go stack "Message Box"
put "Find" && quote & quote into fld "Message Field" of stack "Message Box"
select char 7 to 6 of fld "Message Field" of stack "Message Box"
end commandKeyDown

on tl -- toggleLock: toggles lockText of all fields
  put the defaultStack into saved_val
  set the defaultStack to the topStack
  repeat with i=1 to the number of flds
    set cursor to busy
    set lockText of fld i to not (lockText of fld i)
  end repeat
  set the defaultStack to saved_val
end tl

on filep -- put file path
  answer file "Select a file:"
  if it = empty then exit mouseUp
  put it
end filep

on folderp -- put folder path
  answer folder "Select a folder:"
  if it = empty then exit mouseUp
  put it
end folderp

on addup -- adds up column of numbers in clipboard
  put the clipboardData["text"] into temp
  set the clipboardData["text"] to columnSum(temp) -- see next handler
end addup

function columnSum str
  put 0 into total
  repeat with i=1 to the number of lines in str
    set cursor to busy
    get line i of str

-- Note: change comma to "." in the next 2 lines if commas are used as decimal points:
repeat while comma is in it
delete char offset(comma,it) of it
end repeat

    if it is not a number then next repeat
    add it to total
  end repeat
  return total
end columnSum


Jonathan Cooper
Manager of Information / WWW
Art Gallery of New South Wales
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