I am still waiting to get the key to be able to upload a small stack to RevOnLine. While waiting I have extracted all the scripts. Many of them have been adapted from a stack by Tom McCarthy, St. Catalina Girls School, Matsuyama, Japan:

on react
  move target rel 1,1
  wait 10 ticks
  move target rel -1,-1
end react

---------------------------Disables QT:
on mouseUp
  set dontUseQT to true
  get the dontUseQT
  if true then answer "QT is not in use"
  else answer "QT is still in use"
end mouseUp

--------------------Check if mciSendString is installed:

on sjekkeMCI
  put "This computer probably lacks recording options." into line 1 of temp
  put "Check the presence of Windows Multimedia Tools." into line 2 of temp

put "This can be done by searching for the file 'mciwave.drv'." into line 3 of temp
put "More info about 'mciSendString': " into line 5 of temp
put "http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/multimed/htm/_win32_mcisendstring.asp"; into line 7 of temp
put temp into svar
put specialfolderpath("system") into t
put "/system/mciwave.drv" after t
if there is not file t then answer svar
--Lists all devices:
put mciSendString("sysinfo all quantity") into xMax
#put empty into fld "deviceNames"
put empty into tDeviceNames
repeat with x = 1 to xMax
put "sysinfo all name" && x into commandString
# put mciSendString(commandString) & return after fld "deviceNames"
put mciSendString(commandString) & return after tDeviceNames
end repeat
#answer tDeviceNames
if "WaveAudio" is not in tDeviceNames then answer svar
else answer "Windows Multimedia Tools is available."
end if
end sjekkeMCI

----------------Finds the folder in which you store the audiofile
----------------and gives it a name

on mouseUp

  global tFile  --short name of the file, for instance "mySound.wav"
  global tLongPath --long name of file:"C:/.../.../SoundFolder/"mySound.wav"

  answer folder "Save into which folder:"
  if it is empty or the result is "Cancel" then exit mouseUp
  put it into tFolder
  ask "Save as wave file:" with "----.wav"
  if it is empty or the result is "Cancel" then exit mouseUp
  put it into tFile
  put tFolder & "/" & tFile into tLongPath
  answer tLongPath
end mouseUp

function myMCI tstring put mciSendString(tstring) into returnValue get the result if the result is not empty then return "error" else return returnValue end if end myMCI

-------------------------Records the sound:
on RecordAudio

  global tFile

  put 1500 into max_time
  get mcirecord(tFile, max_time)
end RecordAudio

function mcirecord tFile, max_time get mymci("close myaudio") put "open new type waveaudio alias myaudio" into tstring get myMCI(tstring) if it is "error" then return "error -- opening part" exit mcirecord end if

  get mymci("set myaudio time format milliseconds")
  if mymci("record myaudio") is not empty then
    get mymci("close all")
    return "error -- record part"
    exit mcirecord
  end if

end mcirecord

---------------------- Stops and saves the audio file to disk
on stopRecording

  global tLongPath

  get mymci("stop")
  put "save myaudio " & quote & tLongPath & quote into x
  get mymci(x)
  return it
end stopRecording

--------------------------Plays the audio file with mciSendString
on listen
  global tFile, tLongPath

  if there is a file tLongPath then get playmysound(tFile)
end listen

function playmysound tFile
get myMCI("close myaudio")
put "open"&& quote& tLongPath & quote&& "type waveaudio alias myaudio" into tstring
get myMCI(tstring)
put myMCI("status myaudio length") into ttime
if ttime is "error" or ttime is not a number then
put 0 into ttime
return ttime
end if
if myMCI("play myaudio from 0") is "error" then
return 0
end if
return ttime
put ttime
end playmysound

----------------------------- Stops playing the audio file:
on stopPlaying
  get myMCI("close myaudio")
end stopPlaying
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