Hi Chipp,


I could be wrong, but I would think as soon as Rev 'imports' an image, it is converted to it's own internal format.

well, almost :-)

This will happen only if you edit (or fake to do so like: click with any paint tool and UNDO immediately)
the imported image.

HINT: This is especially useful when working with custom cursors!!!

That format supports 32-bit images (24 + 8 alpha) and so exporting is a simple matter of choosing what
format you wish to save as (see export command).

I always leave the .gif/.png/.bmp extension on my images, just so I know how they were originally created.

And we can always: export img xyz to file "xyz.jpg" AS JPEG ## Or PNG or GIF (yes, even GIF, but looks AWFUL :-D

Or "...AS PAINT" (or leave out "AS Format" at all) which will result in a file in the most commonly used and very
wide-spread formats PBM, PGM or PPM ;-)



MisterX wrote:
Hum... Working with images is not innocent work!

Innocent? I know what that means but in this context...?

I would like to export an image. Simple...

Sure, very simple, if you know how ;-)

But image names do not always have the .gif or .png or .jpg in their names.

Your problem ;-)

But if you know the format you can simply:
put img xyz into url("binfile:filename.jpg") ##or whatever...

If you use the command line export img id x to file thisfile you get


Klaus Major

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