Woooaw ! What an usefull post, you share with all of us ! Many thanks for that, Alex. I'm waiting for reading your next posts with great interest :-)

All the best,

Le 31 mars 05, à 03:16, Alex Tweedly a écrit :

A while ago (around 2nd March), in a thread about UDP sockets, I bemoaned the fact that Rev didn't allow for receiving IP multicast packets.

About the same time (around 9th March), Richard Miller asked for suggestions on how to tackle his problem for client status reporting and monitoring. Various solutions were suggested - but at the time, I thought how much easier the problem would be if multicast was supported; and it kept bothering me. This is the result.

In a subsequent email, I'll describe what I've been doing to make it possible to use IP Multicast from Rev. But first, a quick reminder of Richard's problem description, and then the simplest multicast solution (to show just how simple this problem would be if we did have multicast available).

Problem Statement.

There are a number (on the order of 100) clients, which need to report their status (status being things like - online, offline, back shortly, ....).They will update their status relatively frequently (say every 30 seconds). We have available a dedicated server to collect these status reports, and to send the collected status report to the "monitor"s. There are a similar number of monitors (~100), and each monitor wants to get the status info for all clients, again roughly every 30 seconds.

IP Multicast solution.

Use UDP sockets over IP multicast; each client sends its status report to the multicast group every 30 seconds, each monitor listens to the multicast group and so receives all the status reports.

(All variable beginning with "g" are assumed to be global, and to have the values we need in them ....)

open datagram socket to "" -- no need for a callback handler
send "every30secs" to me

timed event:
on every30secs
   write gMyName & comma & gMystatus to "socket ""
   send "every30secs" to me in 30 seconds
end every30secs

SERVER:  There is  no server needed.

Each monitor listens to the multicast group.

"listen to multicast group" -- if only we could do this in Rev !!!
accept datagram connections on port 5678 with message gotStatusReport

on gotStatusReport  p, pData
  put item 1 of pData into tName
  put seconds() & comma &  pData into gStatus[tName]
end gotStatusReport

to get status of a user / machine
function getStatus pName
if item 1 of gStatus[pName] - seconds() > 75 then return "timed out" return item 3 to -1 of gStatus[tName]
end getStatus

There now, couldn't be much easier - could it ?
Note that before using this for real, we would want to add a little bit of security to protect against impostor clients - but that's only the same protection as we'd want in any other solution.


1. What is this IP multicast ?
A mechanism where a single transmitted packet can be received by any number of machines that want to hear it. There are a number of introductions to IP multicast around, better than I would write here. One example is http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Multicast-HOWTO-1.html
but many others can be found via Google ...

2. Isn't UDP unreliable ? What if packets get lost ? Or are delivered out of order ?
Yes. It will be OK - from the problem definition, it is clear that the monitor does not require to have the absolutely current status of the client - it can lag behind by up to 30+30 seconds. In this solution, the client repeats its status report frequently, so if a packet gets lost on the way to one (or more) monitors, that monitor's view of the client's status will lag behind for one additional time period. It's possible we'd want to change the client reporting period from 30 secs to maybe 20. We might also want to adjust the "75" seconds - the time at which we decide that it's been so long since we heard from a particular client that we wish to assume it is dead or disconnected - down to maybe 50 secs.

Since every transaction in our protocol is a single packet being sent one way, we will not get out of order packets unless the network is delaying some packets by 30 (or 20) seconds, while allowing others through. If your network delivers packets out of order by tens of seconds, you will have so many other problems, you won't notice this one :-)

3. Sounds good - but how can we use IP multicast from Rev ?
This is only the teaser - I'll give my (current) solution to that in tomorrow's email - this is just to whet your appetite.
(And also to provide me with a deadline so I will complete the other email :-)

Alex Tweedly       http://www.tweedly.net

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