This is a bit confusing to me, but perhaps only to me.

If you've done a "get url" you either know the file name because you explicitly supplied it or it is stored in a variable that you set or the user chose it from some dialog or something, right? Grab the name at the time that you know it and stick it into a variable. Let's call that variable tStackIGot. Then you can:

set the customPropName of stack tStackIGot to customPropValue


On Mar 31, 2005, at 10:39 AM, thierry wrote:

Hi all,

     after doing: get url http://....aStackFile

     i want to  to set a customProp  of this stack
     and save it on my disk... So, how can i get the Id of
     the stack or the name just after the get url ?
     i know i can do an OPEN IT,
     but i want to do this on the background, silently.

     any clue ?

Regards, thierry
Dan Shafer, Co-Chair
RevConWest '05
June 17-18, 2005, Monterey, California

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