Hello to the list,

I have another question. The command below for opening a folder works with quotes best. The launch "app" works with out the qoutes. But the launch 'file' does not work at all until I put the with " .app" which I didn't want to do.

Any ideas how to force a document/file to open in the users default app with out knowing before hand what the doc/file type is???

on mouseUp
put the cMyAlias of the target into myAlias -- added quotes???? long folder names
put the cmyFolder of the target into gmyFolder
if myAlias is not empty then
switch gmyFolder -- this global needs stored for each instance - not done yet
case "folder" -- than it is a folder to be opened (but not always true - need to fix)
put quote & (the cMyAlias of the target) & quote into myAlias
stsOpenFolder myAlias - - Ken Ray's function which does open folders - need to test on windows
exit switch
case "app" -- than it is an app to be launched (not always true - need to fix)
launch myAlias -- only works if it is an application(OSX) with out quotes -- need to try on windows
exit switch
case "file"
--put quote & (the cMyAlias of the target) & quote into myAlias -- does not work
launch myAlias with "/Applications/Preview.app" -- check how to do files for this
exit switch
end switch
end if
end mouseUp

Thomas J. McGrath III SCS 1000 Killarney Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15234 412-885-8541 _______________________________________________ use-revolution mailing list use-revolution@lists.runrev.com http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use-revolution

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