I couldn't resist adding spin (English) to Nine Ball.

There are some things you can't do without it. For example there are occasions when you can't sink a ball without scratching--unless you can put spin on the cue ball. It is also needed on occasion to position the cue ball for the next shot.

The spin had ramifications in so many areas. I think I caught them all, but there may be some hangover. (The last thing I checked was the cue ball striking the cushion with right spin. After it hit the cushion ALL the other balls began to move. Run Rev has this nasty habit of literally interpreting the code instead of what you meant. I fixed this, but other problems may be lurking.)

Instructions for using spin are in the "Instructions" window. Basically, use the arrow keys to add a short red arrow to the end of the velocity vector. The magnitude and direction of the red arrow defines the magnitude and direction of the spin to be added to the velocity.

So I hope this works:

go url "http://home.infostations.net/jhurley/NineBallWithSpin.rev";

I have taken the liberty of including Scott Rossi's wonderful graphics.

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