On Mar 29, 2005 10:15 AM, Melitón Cardona Torres <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have this in a field:
> IPAE 16
> IPAE 1
> IPAE 7
> LAG 1
> JKAL 3
> JKAL 11
> JKAL 2
> and I wish to get this (same alphabetical order, sorted numeric by
> second word of each):
> IPAE 1
> IPAE 7
> IPAE 16
> LAG 1
> JKAL 2
> JKAL 3
> JKAL 11
> I would be grateful for your suggestions.
> Thanks in advance
> Ton Cardona

Here's a quick and dirty solution. Assume the data is in a filed
"data" and you have a button to do the sort. Use this handler in the

on mouseUp
  put fld "data" into dataholder
  put the number of lines of dataholder into linecnt
  repeat with i = 1 to linecnt
    if word 1 of line i-1 of dataholder <> word 1  of line i of dataholder then
      put line i of dataholder&return after sorter 
    end if
    if word 1 of line i+1 of dataholder = word 1 of line i of dataholder then
      put line i+1 of dataholder&return after sorter
      sort lines of sorter numeric by word 2 of each
      put sorter after sorteddata
      put empty into sorter
    end if
  end repeat
  put sorteddata into fld "data"
end mouseUp


Howard Bornstein
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