Ok, I found out how to do it!

In the message box select the stacks in use and my stack was at the
top. I then selected it and hit the remove button and now I can use
the property inspector and edit scritps again!

How can I stop this happening? I think that if the error window could
just be displayed that I could find the bug straight away!

Thanks a lot

Well I tried that and it brought the Stack to the front but nothing
else happened and I the only thing I can do is quite the IDE.

Before I quit, I had attempted to open the Property Inspector of an
object and before the IDE quits this window appears as well as the
error window!

I'm looking at the docs now but can't seem to find anything.

Thanks for the help

Try this in the message box:

answer file "Where is my weird stack?";lock messages;go stack it

Le 17 avr. 05, à 14:07, David Burgun a écrit :

I have a Stack that has an error in the preOpenStack or preOpenCard
sctipts. However when I try to load the stack and work on it in the
IDE. I can't open any of the property inspector on any of the
objects and other parts of the IDE hang. So eventually I quit
RunRev and then as my stack window disappears, I see an error
window appear, but of course the IDE then quits and I can't see
what the error is!!!!


Eric Chatonet.
So Smart Software

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