I found a perl program called "SQL - translator" which you can down load


It is supposed to help translate MySql to SQLite but it is a PERL program
that has to be compiled (which I've never done before on OSX). I was hoping
for an easy way to just make a complete dump of MySQL and then make a direct
import of that dump into SQLite but it looks like there are some differences
so the translator is necessary. Maybe with REV's text abilities we could
make a translator in your demo stack? The demo stack needs all those SQL
utilities you find in the many programs that are available for MySQL like
CocoaMySQL and YourSQL.

That is great news to hear that Jan is working with you on Quartam reports

On 4/16/05 6:48 PM, "Chipp Walters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Bill, thanks for the nice comment on the demo stack.
> Bill wrote:
>> Very nice demo stack. I have a complex existing MySQL database and would
>> like to convert it to SQLite in order to see if SQLite is faster. I make
>> extensive use of the database controls in RunRev.
>> Can you add a couple pages to your tutorial stack on how to switch back and
>> forth from MySQL to SQLite...
> Will do when I get a chance :-)
>> I also wonder about compatibility with Quartam reports.
> Yes, should be compatilble. Jan and I have already started talking about
> putting together a tutorial on how to make use QReports with altSQLite.
>> On 4/16/05 4:28 AM, "Chipp Walters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> ...just thought some of you would like to know
>>> Altuit Announces new development tool
>>> altSQLite - nothing to install, 4 commands to learn
>>> altSQLite is the ONLY embedded Revolution database engine which runs on
>>> Mac OSX, Windows XP and Linux!
>>> Embed a powerful SQL database inside your application!
>>> Altuit's altSQLite engine combines a Revolution compatible revDB driver
>>> with the most-popular Open Source client SQL database to create a
>>> zero-configuration solution for those developers wanting to embed a
>>> database with their applications.
>>> Now add database capabilites to your applications with unprecedented
>>> ease-of-use! Altuit's Demo and Database tutorial takes you step-by-step
>>> through the process of installing (one click of a button), building and
>>> accessing databases, even creating report queries. You don't need to
>>> know a thing about database building because SQLite works just like
>>> Revolution: everything's a string!
>>> Altuit will be offering altSQLite for the first 45 days at a substantial
>>> discount. altSQLite will retail for $149.00 which includes a license for
>>> all three supported platforms. During the first 45 days of release, we
>>> will be offering introductory pricing of only $99.00. That's for all
>>> three platforms!
>>> You can check out the website and what some of our users are saying at:
>>> http://www.altuit.com/webs/altuit2/altSQLiteCover/default.htm
>>> or jump right into the 10-minute demo-tutorial by copy/pasting the
>>> following into the msg box:
>>> go URL "http://www.gadgetplugins.com/altsqlite/SQLiteDemo.rev";
>>> Special thanks to everyone involved in helping get this out the
>>> door...especially our beta testers!
>>> -Chipp
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