On 4/18/05 6:05 PM, "Dar Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Apr 18, 2005, at 2:21 PM, Dar Scott wrote:
>> Here is what I see with rawKeyDown and rawKeyUp:
>> When the key is pressed, a rawKeyDown is sent.  As the key is held
>> down then a sequence of rawKeyDown/rawKeyUp pairs are sent.  Then a
>> rawKeyUp is sent.
> A picture might help:
> D      DU   DU   DU   DU   DU   DU   DU  U
> Notice the two downs at the start and two ups at the end.

A long time ago I spoke with Scott Raney about this, and he said that
different OSes may send different sequences of downs and ups (he's just
reporting them as they come in from the event manager in the OS)... the only
thing he could guarantee was that there was always going to be an equal
number of downs to ups (i.e. none would get lost).

I know this doesn't help, but it does explain why different OSes behave
differently in this case.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

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