On Apr 20, 2005, at 10:30 PM, Marisa K. wrote:

Hi Trevor,

Thank you agian for your suggestion. You are right about the database of UTF-8. :-)

However, I've tried on that, too, but the result is the same!!

I wrote script as:

on openCard
global tID
set the unicodeText of fld testDB to uniEncode( revDataFromQuery (, return, tID, "SELECT cityLocalName FROM POSTAL_CODE_TABLE"),"utf8")
end openCard

Am I doing sth wrong with the script? Also, I used to try on ;

Hmm, this worked in a test I did last night using MySQL on some UTF8 encoded data. The only difference is that I used cursors (revQueryDatabase and revDatabaseColumnNamed). Perhaps try that and see if it changes results at all. I'm not sure why it would but you never know.

-- Trevor DeVore Blue Mango Multimedia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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