sims wrote:
At 10:10 PM -0700 4/25/05, Richard Gaskin wrote:

I'm not sure if this will work for you, but lately I've been using tab-delimited text for the sorts of things I used to use cards for. I maintain a one-card window for display, pouring data into the fields as needed, but the data itself is maintained as just straight text. Fast, flexible, and about as small as it can be....

Is this usually reading from text files or using custom properties?

I rarely use text files, since I'd need to parse them and the engine does this well with custom props, field-tested and proven for more than a decade, with simple and efficient one-liners for getting at the data.

Most commonly I store tab-delimited lists in properties, and since I'm using properties I can store any number of them in a single file. It's like having a multi-table database, simple to slice and dice at will with minimal effort.

For more ideas on using stack files for general data storage see:

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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