At 10:19 AM +0100 4/26/05, Frank Leahy wrote:

1) It's possible that RunRev is merely simulating the Mac effect for Windows, by providing a keymap function that only works when RunRev is frontmost. If this is the case, then your app will never see other app keystrokes on Windows.

2) I assume you realize that there's no guarantee that you'll see all keystrokes, even with your Mac version? By calling "wait 10 millisecs with messages" you're assuming first, that keystrokes don't happen any faster than 10 milliseconds, and second, that your app will be given a time-slice every 10 milliseconds...either of these might be incorrect, resulting in lost keystrokes (though possibly not enough to matter).

Thanks for this interesting information Frank.
I'm beginning to think that I'll need a dll or some sort of 'extra' bit to help me.

I'm using a combination of time & keystrokes and an exact count is not critical but
your point is well taken.

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