I'm trying to connect to my database which is hosted by oneandone.co.uk. I'm
using the database query builder in RR.
I set the name (Contact), 
host (db141.oneandone.co.uk) - this is the actual server name
Database (dbxxxxxxxx), 
User (dboxxxxxxxx)
Password (xxxxxxxx)
When I try to press the connect button I get an error "Unknown MySQL Host
'db141.oneandone.co.uk' (11004)'
I am able to connect to the database in PHP MyAdmin without any problems!
The only thing I can think of that could be causing this is the syntax of
the host name!! maybe I'm wrong, has anyone had this problem?
I've tried the MySQL database example in RR's video tutorials and it
connects fine.
Thank you
Martin McCarrick
use-revolution mailing list

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