Hi Martin,
I just had a look at the feature matrix provided by your hosting
company and an upgrade may in fact be required, depending on the
hosting package you have now....

Bummer. :(


On 4/28/05, Martin McCarrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Docmann
> It seems that I cant even use phpAdmin anymore....I have it installed (v
> 2.3.2) on my site but cant access it anymore as I would normally, the link I
> had saved in favourites does nothing now! Not good.
> Oneandone.co.uk now have a MySQL admin link from within their own web
> control panel which utilises phpMyadmin 2.6.1, in it there is no access to
> privileges.
> I think they have restricted access in favour of me 'upgrading' by the look
> of it
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