--- Dar Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 1, 2005, at 3:40 PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:
> > Ah yes, but then I have to check the result myself
> to
> > throw an error, and that's what I wanted to avoid
> ;-)
> > My earlier suggestion is backwards-compatible but
> > allows people who like try-throw-catch, to
> structure
> > their code in a more readable way.
> But your suggestion requires an enhancement (or
> maybe some fancy 
> errorDialog technique).
> I was wondering about what developers can use now.
> Would a property or command for each library to
> switch between 
> thrown/result help?
> Dar

In that case, this might be an issue for the
revInterop workgroup -- they're working on
standardizing library names and calls, and storing
information about the supported commands, functions,
properties, etc.
If you're not a member yet, I'm sure they'd like you
to join the dicsussion at:

Jan Schenkel.

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