Date: 2 May 2005 8:47:13 AM
To: Use Revolution List <>
Subject: Re: Prevent someone from dragging a toplevel window, or...
Reply-To: How to use Revolution <>

Well... it can; what I'm trying to simulate is the "customize toolbar" sheet
that drops down from a toolbar. Since sheets always drop from the tilebar of
a stack, I couldn't "just" use a sheet (since I need it to drop from the
toolbar, and not from the titlebar). However I've been able to simulate it
by creating a 1 pixel high palette that is positioned below my toolbar and
drops the sheet. But unfortunately, if you drag the "main" stack (the one
with the toolbar), the sheet doesn't follow like it's supposed to (since
it's not attached to the main stack, but to the palette). So unfortunately I
can't use a drawer in this case...

Good idea, though.

If I can't get the two to drag together, I'd be willing to make the main
stack undraggable while the "customize toolbar" sheet is displayed. But how
can you prevent a stack from being moved?

And unfortunately I don't have control over the stack that the toolbar's
attached to (so I can't use a custom window/custom drag region).

Is there anything left that I can do?

Descending into the realm of horrible hacks here but is is possible to overlay a window that has its transparency set way down (using Trevor's external) and which lies directly over the stacks titlebar and then using a custom 'drag' script in the transparent window to move the underlying and any other windows.


Ken Ray Sons of Thunder Software Web site: Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dr Terry Judd
Lecturer in Educational Technology (Design)
Biomedical Multimedia Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne
Parkville VIC 3052

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