Hello from sunny Las Vegas,

I have a script the runs from BBEdit, Script Editor, and also the OSX menu bar that used to work fine...

tell application "Revolution221"
   do script "testt"
end tell

and now with Rev 2.5.1 nothing I try works...

tell application "Revolution"
   do script "testt"
end tell

Adding Revolution to the library does add it to the list, but
opening the dictionary produces no window...compile shows an error

Perhaps along the same line, revCopyFile no longer works.

Do I have some install issue?
Version issue?

I don't really want to go back to 221
Could find nothing online or in the List.

                  OSX  10.3.9  G5 dual   Rev 2.5.1
Goal ...Connecting 5 apps using Revolution as the hub (used to work)
OSX-Photoshop Actions-XL-BBEdit-Transmit-Eudora

Thanks for you help :-)

Jim Ault
use-revolution mailing list

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