on Tue, 03 May 2005 
Marielle Lange wrote:

> I have a project in gestation of a GUI
> editor for a large range of
> web-based exercises. The idea is to select exercises
> written in java,javascript, Flash, with a content 
> that can be defined in a text file attached
> to the application 

Hi Marienne,

i'm doing something similar with xml files.
The app read the xml file and build an
exercise within a stack template.

> I have another project of
> an revolution application to access an on-line
> database of learning objects.

i'm working with some teachers to create a
test bank of learning objects in spanish. :-)

> why not try something
> similar with the nice
> people from the revolution community, this time on
> the use of revolution for
> student-centered learning?

Ro Nagey is moderating an education list.
you could suscribe now:

> It happens that I recently created a website, that I
> use in a research context.
> I could easily create a revolution subdomain to host
> a "revolution-education"
> resource center with : (1) an archive of stacks
> relevant to education ( I can
> provide up to 200MB), (2) a forum or even better, a
> wiki for the discussion of
> ideas and guidelines (I have recently set-up a wiki
> to support one of my course
> and it wouldn't be difficult to set-up another one
> for discussion on the them of
> revolution-education). I really believe that Wikis
> are better than forums to
> organize thoughts.

Could you download all the wiki post to read them
offline, like this mail list? Offline reading
is important in some places of the world...

> Who knows, this could lead to a book "Instructional
> Design with Revolution"...
> with the word order that suggests that reaching
> teaching goals and the
> provision of well-thought exercises would be more
> important than technical
> aspects (though, both could probably be reconciled
> with a section on teaching
> (to teachers) programming with revolution).  

Jerry Balzano send this message, short ago:
Both of you think alike. ;-)

> Let me know if you are interested in taking
> advantage of any of this... but
> please, be patient, my day job does not involve
> programming with revolution, I
> may take a few days (i.e., next week-end) to answer
> your emails.

Marielle, hope to read your posts in the
education list! :-)

> I will be discussing eLearning projects with
> somebody at Open University
> Scotland, this week.
> On top of the projects I introduced in my previous
> post, I am also of the
> oppinion that many of their course could probably
> greatly benefit from a short
> "programming with revolution" module which would
> teach students to create and
> manage small applications of use to their (small)
> business. Nothing beats the
> magic of being able to produce a nice looking stack
> after only an hour of
> teaching.
> If you have other arguments that could help me
> persuade them to adopt
> Revolution, please voice them.

Show them these websites 
(from Richard Gaskin, page of RR weblinks):



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