I've gotten the first script to work (has one
file attachment) but the second does not. I don't know if my repeat loop is
not correct or the way I'm delimiting the file attachments, or both.

tell application "Mail"
    set theSubject to "Test Order"

tell application "Mail"

        tell content
            repeat with fileName in fileList
                make new attachment with properties {file name:fileName} at
after the last paragraph
            end repeat
        end tell
    end tell

Any ideas?

I believe you do this on one code line rather than repeat. each make new attachment with properties {fileList} at

---Further -- here is a working example from a recent post to the list
uses a field "text" as the message, and does 2 replace steps
uses a field "appleScript", does a date replace, and a message replace

I prefer to name any of my objects, scripts and variables with names that are NOT reserved words, like repeating the last char of the word "item" -> "itemm" so there is not doubt that it is my variable.

Note: be sure that the fld "scriptInit" is a shared, background behavior fld or the applescript will only be available on one card. Of course you could do "...fld "scriptInit" of card 1 of this stack"

submitted to this list previously ===========
On Jan 2, 2005, at 1:10 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:
on mouseUp
  put fld "msgText" into tNewBody
  replace quote with ("\"&quote) in tNewBody
    replace ":" with ("\:") in tNewBody

put fld "scriptInit" into tScript
replace "#date#" with (quote & "HPI, January 3rd, 2005" & quote) in tScript
replace "#body#" with (quote & tNewBody& quote) in tScript
do tscript as applescript

end mouseUp

Where the apple script is:
Note the

tell application mail
set theSender to "Hindu Press International <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
set theName to "Hindu Press International"
set theAddress to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
set theSubject to #date#
set theBody to #body#
tell application "Mail"
set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theBody & return & return}
tell newMessage
set visible to true
set sender to theSender
make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {name:theName, address:theAddress}
end tell
end tell

end tell
Now back to me.
This should work without much trial and error, but that is the fun of discovery :-)

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