Thanks for your replys. Even though the tips for Win are useful they donŽt really help at the moment, as I need to use a Mac with OsX.
IŽll bookmark them anyway, just in case. ;-)

The suggestion by Alex to set up FTP sounds good, but I have no idea how to do it. A quick goole search leads me to nowhere. Anyone an idea/link to a tutorial on how to set up an FTP server on Mac Os X?

Setting up an FTP server on Mac OS X is really complicated...
Go to the sharing system prefs and check "FTP Access" :-)
Take a note of the address that is then shown at the bottom of the window and that's what you can use to log in.

However, I just use personal file sharing, with a Rev script like this using AppleScript to connect:
tAddress is the IP address of the remote computer
tUser is the name of a valid user on that remote computer who is allowed to log in
tPass is their password

put "mount volume " & quote & "afp://" & tAddress & "/" & tUser & quote & \
" on server " & quote & tAddress & quote & " as user name " \
& quote & tUser & quote & " with password " & quote & tPass & quote into tScript
do tScript as AppleScript

Once you have done this, the remote computer's user folder appears on your desktop as an external drive and you can read & write using the URL commands.


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