Chris Sheffield wrote:
Dear List,

Okay, let's see if I can explain this.

I have a group that contains an image as a background and several custom buttons placed on the top of it. The background image has a "stick out tab sort of thing" on it's left side. The idea is to place the group on the right side of the window so that only the tab is showing. When the user moves the mouse over that tab, I want the group to slide out revealing the buttons. When the user moves the mouse out of the group, I want it to slide back so that only the tab is visible again. Okay, so far so good.

So I place mouseEnter (to slide the button panel out) and mouseLeave (to slide it back in) handlers in the group's script. Worked great until I placed my buttons in the group. This is what happens now. I move the cursor over the tab. The group slides out fine. But as I move up and down over my buttons, mouseEnter and mouseLeave messages get sent, including those to the background image, which triggers my moving action. So if I mouseEnter one of my buttons, I mouseLeave my background image, which slides the group back. That's not the behavior I want. As long as I'm within the group, I want it to be slid out, even as I'm moving up and down over the buttons.

Does that make sense? Should I be handling different messages besides mouseEnter and mouseLeave? A mouseWithin perhaps? I'm kind of stuck. Can someone help?

I'm not sure this will help, but I recently made a very complex nested group thang with lots of mouse interactions and I now have a rule for such things:

Whenever you're moving objects with scripts and those objects are within groups, more often than not you'll do well to set the lockLoc of both the object and the group.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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