On 5/7/05, MisterX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Doc,
> Just dont try to set the id of an image to an existing image
> thinking it will do the same thing as a url. ;) boom...

Heh heh, so I found out... the hard way. ;)

> You'll find lots of examples like that in xosmedialib.rev
> on Monsieurx.com/forums -> releases
> cheers
> Xavier

That sounds great, I'll grab a copy and have a look.

Semi-related question for the tests I've been running:
Using the application browser, I noticed that the "pre-load into
memory" property is automatically set for all images that I import
from a folder. Is there a way to avoid this if I wanted to import 100
or even 1000 images to the stack or would I have to manully unselect
the properties for each one?

Thanks to all,

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