On Sun, 08 May 2005 08:59:19 -0500, Paul Salyers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I got the above problem fixed, miss directed links.

however I'm now having this problem.

on mouseUp
put "+" into
tFx -- Store the +
for use later
put tFx into field
"Fx" -- See for sure the +
is being stored
put "1" into field "doWhat" --
program handler if the text of field "doWhat" = "1" do this else do this
put field "Answer" into tfkey
put value ( field "AddTo") Fx (tfkey) into field "AddTo" -- Add the
fields together

end mouseUp

of I use

on mouseUp
   --put "+" into tFx
   put tFx into field "Fx"
   put  "1" into field "doWhat"
   put field "Answer" into tfkey
   put value ( field "AddTo") + (tfkey) into field "AddTo"

end mouseUp

It works ok. How to I use "tFX" as a "+"

Paul, others have solved the problem indicated in your message, but I hope I don't cause offence by saying I have feeling from your posts that there is perhaps another level of problem for you in 'getting' the Revolution/Transcript context. For example, you seem to be programming a calculator (what would be the point of using your tFX variable if it couldn't have different values, such as '+', '-', -'/', '**' ?) but it is not clear (to me anyway) what the context for this calculator is, though I half think it's to allow your user to input simple arithmetic statements via a dialog. If you could explain this some more, maybe members of the list could suggest a more structured approach which might be illuminating.

Just my 2 Eurocents


Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France

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