i have some trouble using revmail on Tiger...
But maybe this is no special Tiger problem...?

revmail "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", , "hallo","text"

works as exspected.


 put line 1 of fld 2 into adresse
## a VALID e-mail address!
 put fld "body" into bo
 revmail adresse, , "Subject",bo

does NOT, it only activates Mail, but does not create a new mail...

Same if i use the direct references: revmail line 1 of fld 2, , "Subject", fld "body"

Hi Klaus,

Does fld "Body" contain any quotes? That might confuse things. You could try replacing any quotes with a single quote and then perhaps surrounding the text with quotes and seeing if that helps.

put fld "body" into tBody
replace quote with "'" in tBody
put quote & tBody & quote into tBody
revmail adresse, , "Subject", tBody


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