on Wed, 18 May 2005
Jim Hurley wrote:

> Now I see what you mean. It is much less noticeable
> on my Mac PowerBook. It is either an artifact of
> particular image, or a problem with Run Rev's 
> "set the angle of....." Probably the former. 

Are you saving the image as GIF?
Maybe the edge could be smoother if you
save it as png with alpha channel.

> I suspect it is a function of my efforts to remove 
> the image from its background in PhotoShop.

Have you tried the stack that Chipp posted
not long ago, to make transparent one color
in the image?

> You had mentioned that this utility  would be useful
> in positioning images. 
> My objective actually was to be able to
> animate images in Run Rev--without animated gifs. 
> I have altered the stack to show this effect.

Now, i see. That's still more interesting yet!!!
Very nice effect, indeed. This will open many
possibilities for animation in this platform.

Keep us updated about your progress in this area!


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