On May 19, 2005, at 9:56 AM, Alex Tweedly wrote:

Dennis Brown wrote:

A good use of the Web Notes feature to correct the doc.


Good idea - one of these days I'll remember the Web Notes feature myself.
When I went to do it, someone had been there before me - so Thank You, whoever you were ....

Alex Tweedly       http://www.tweedly.net

You caught me!
I was not actually holding out hope that anyone else would do it.

If we all make an effort to fix stuff or add examples to the web notes, perhaps everyone, even those not on this list will benefit.

The thing that would really make the web notes shine, is if the Icon would change to a wiggly one, or some other way of grabbing your attention if a web note is available. I am sure it would be easy to add a script to the doc stack that after finding a topic, it would (if you have a web connection) check to see if the web note is not empty and do something noticeable. Unfortunately I am not experienced enough to make that change. Anyone out there know how to do this?

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