Hello Bill,

I am working on a How-To stack about table fields.
It's not finished but here is an excerpt from this stack which might help you without waiting for the release :-)
As you will see it, it's a little bit dry and tricky :-(
But fully commented :-)
Following scripts are placed in the card script.

By default, a table has no limits: you can use the arrowkeys or the tabkey to navigate as far as you wish.
Practically, you will often need to display a x*y cells table without scrollbars as a matrix where all cells are visible and let the user navigate in carousel (go from the last cell in a row to the first cell in the next row and so on) through the limits you have set.
In order to set these limits, you will trigger the keyboard events within a rawKeyDown handler.
Here the limits which are integers are stored as custom properties named xLimit and yLimit in the table field named "MyTable":

on rawKeyDown pKey
-- allows tabbing and arrowkeys to act in carousel
-- horizontal and vertical limits are stored in 2 custom properties (xLimit and yLimit) in the table field

if "revCell" is in the target then
-- when editing a table field, target function returns something like: field "revCell-1,1"
if the xLimit of fld "MyTable" = "None" or the xLimit of fld "MyTable" is empty then pass rawKeyDown -- no limits
switch pKey
case 65363 -- arrow key right
case 65289 -- tab key
if the cRevTable["currentxcell"] of fld "MyTable" = the xLimit of fld "MyTable" then
if the cRevTable["currentycell"] of fld "MyTable" = the yLimit of fld "MyTable" then
SelectCell "MyTable",1,1 -- the first table cell
SelectCell "MyTable",1,the cRevTable["currentycell"] of fld "MyTable" + 1 -- the first table cell in the next line
end if
else pass rawKeyDown
case 65361 -- arrow key left
if the cRevTable["currentxcell"] of fld "MyTable" = 1 then
if the cRevTable["currentycell"] of fld "MyTable" <> 1 then
SelectCell "MyTable",the xLimit of fld "MyTable",the cRevTable["currentycell"] of fld "MyTable" - 1 -- ∆
-- the last allowed table cell in the previous line
SelectCell "MyTable",the xLimit of fld "MyTable",the yLimit of fld "MyTable" -- ∆
-- the last allowed table cell
end if
else pass rawKeyDown
case 65364 -- arrow key down
if the cRevTable["currentycell"] of fld "MyTable" = the yLimit of fld "MyTable" then
if the cRevTable["currentxcell"] of fld "MyTable" = the xLimit of fld "MyTable" then
SelectCell "MyTable",1,1 -- the first table cell
else SelectCell "MyTable",the cRevTable["currentxcell"] of fld "MyTable" + 1,1 -- ∆
-- the first table cell in the next column
else pass rawKeyDown
case 65362 -- arrow key up
if the cRevTable["currentycell"] of fld "MyTable" = 1 then
if the cRevTable["currentxcell"] of fld "MyTable" <> 1 then
SelectCell "MyTable",the cRevTable["currentxcell"] of fld "MyTable" - 1,the yLimit of fld "MyTable" -- ∆
-- the last allowed table cell in the previous column
else SelectCell "MyTable",the xLimit of fld "MyTable",the yLimit of fld "MyTable" -- ∆
-- the last allowed table cell
else pass rawKeyDown
pass rawKeyDown -- lets the engine do it
end switch
else pass rawKeyDown
end rawKeyDown

on SelectCell pFieldName,pColumn,pRow
  -- select a cell

  -- pFieldName parameter is the short name of the table field
  -- pColumn parameter is the column number (an integer)
  -- pRow parameter is the row number (an integer)

SetCurXCell pFieldName,pColumn -- ∆
SetCurYCell pFieldName,pRow -- ∆
SetScroll "hScroll",the cRevTable["cellxspacing"] of fld pFieldName * (pColumn - 1),pFieldName,"Header" -- ∆
SetScroll "vScroll",the cRevTable["cellyspacing"] of fld pFieldName * (pRow - 1),pFieldName,"Rows" -- ∆
click at CellLoc(pFieldName,pColumn,pRow) -- ∆
-- to select again the current cell, you can use:
-- click at the cRevTable["currentxmouseloc"] of fld pFieldName,the cRevTable["currentymouseloc"] of fld pFieldName
end SelectCell


function CellLoc pFieldName,pColumn,pRow
  -- returns the loc of any cell

  -- pFieldName parameter is the short name of the table field
  -- pColumn parameter is the column number (an integer)
  -- pRow parameter is the row number (an integer)

local tLeft,tTop,tCellxspacing,tCellyspacing,tCurrenthscroll,tCurrentvscroll
put the left of fld pFieldName into tLeft
put the top of fld pFieldName into tTop
put the cRevTable["cellxspacing"] of fld pFieldName into tCellxspacing
put the cRevTable["cellyspacing"] of fld pFieldName into tCellyspacing
put the hScroll of fld pFieldName into tCurrenthscroll
put the vScroll of fld pFieldName into tCurrentvscroll
return ((pColumn - 1) * tCellxspacing) + (tCellxspacing div 2) + tLeft - tCurrenthscroll, \
((pRow - 1) * tCellyspacing) + (tCellyspacing div 2) + tTop - tCurrentvscroll
end CellLoc

on SetCurXCell pFieldName,pValue
  -- updates prop in the cRevTable of the table field

  -- pFieldName parameter is the short name of the table field
  -- pValue parameter is the column number (an integer)

  set the cRevTable["currentxcell"] of fld pFieldName to pValue
end SetCurXCell


on SetCurYCell pFieldName,pValue
  -- updates prop in the cRevTable of the table field

  -- pFieldName parameter is the short name of the table field
  -- pValue parameter is the row number (an integer)

  set the cRevTable["currentycell"] of fld pFieldName to pValue
end SetCurYCell


on SetScroll
-- sets the table field and header fields scrolls if they are any
-- the syntax is not very comprehensible since this handler can set the scroll of an unknown number of fields
-- then it refers to parameters by order/number and not by name using the do command

lock screen
lock messages
repeat with i = 3 to the paramcount
do "put there is a fld" && param(i) && "into tFlag"
if tFlag then do "set the" && param(1) && "of fld" && param(i) && "to" && param(2)
-- param (3) to param(x) are the names of the fields
end repeat
unlock messages
unlock screen
end SetScroll

That's all! Is it enough? LOL

Le 20 mai 05 à 14:58, Bill a écrit :

The docs on table fields is rather sparse.

An example table field has six cells across. It is unlocked on Mac OSX. When
you enter data and tab across to the next cell and enter data for that cell
and tab it works fine until you get to the last cell then it automatically
scrolls to the right (there are no scroll bars set for either vertical or
horizontal). This automatic scroll to the right makes all the previously
entered data not visible and is a behavior I want to prevent. I tried
locking position and that didn't work.

How do I do this?

Best regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.
So Smart Software

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