Kat wrote:
My theory all along has been that Microsoft liked CD-ROM so much because it allowed them to deliver bloatware.... but then I'm just prejudiced.

"PRE-judiced" was something we used to do. But now that more than two dozen governments around the world have found Microsoft guilty of the very things we've been suspecting all along, today we're merely "judiced". :)

As for CD ROM, one of the benefits to having started in the industry before it was popular is that my earliest training was in making things as lightweight as possible to fit onto a floppy. When CDs came along some younger folks considered my habits anachronistic -- that is, until just a couple years later when the Internet became the "ultimate killer app" and suddenly file size was important again.

It's rarely a mistake to err on the side of resource efficiency.

I recall a vendor of CD-ROM recorders trying to have a conversation with me about financing a $7500 unit (it was one of three on the market at the time). I balked, and said I'd continue shipping on floppy until the price came down. He literally laughed at me, as though I was on crazy pills. I only used floppies for another year: by the following year CD recorders had broken the thousand dollar barrier and pricing was in free fall.

That's another nice thing about being part of the over-40 crowd: when you go around the block that many times you know that, thanks to Moore's Law and market dynamics, computing is one of the few industries that consistently rewards the procrastinator.

PS: Kat, I've read some of your articles debunking poplar myths about data volatility on optical media -- good work, thanks for reintroducing rational thinking and well-supported arguments into that discussion. :)

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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