> put a into b and c
Or put a into b,c This is something that would be good.

Akin to what can be done in C :) It could be a handy shortcut ocassionally but using 'and' here bother me since 'and' normally implies logical operation. May using comma would be better if there is a convincing justification to add it.

My first guess of the meanings of the two are not the same.

I had guessed that
   put a into b and c
would be the same as
   put a into b
   put a into c

I had guessed that
  put a into b, c
would be the same as
  put item 1 of a into b
  put item 2 to -1 of a into c

In both cases 'a' would be evaluated one time.

We already find cases where 'and' used in a syntactic sense that is not the operator 'and' and I agree--it is awkward. However, comma is the same way. One has to be careful in passing comma'd values as parameters.

Agreed that either is ambigous. For me, comma is a generic list separator (list of parameters, list of items) so it did not imply splitting a into items. But I can live with and as its usage here is somewhat parallel to 'answer xxx with cancel or OK' (I mean the or here).

May be a parallel should be sought in the sort command and thus

  put a into each of b,c
  put a into each of b and c

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