--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> [snip]
> So now I can make changes but I still have one major
> hickup. If I click a 
> button that is linked to the database such as a Next
> button set to 'Move to Next 
> Record' then the field doesn't appear to ever get
> the close message needed to 
> trigger the update. If I click any non DQB linked
> button or in the background 
> then the save is made but if I go straight to a
> button like Next then the 
> change is lost.
> I created a workaround by putting the Next button
> off screen and then making 
> a fake Next button that does this ...
>  click at "1,1"   -- where there is nothing
>  click at the loc of btn "Next"
> ... but that really slows things down. I suppose i
> could play with ways to 
> speed things up but here again the DQB is supposed
> to be helping me knock this 
> thing out quick.
> Any other half-documented features out there to
> which i should be paying 
> attetion ?Thanks.

Hi Chris,

This problem would happen on MacOS, of course -- not
on Windows/Unix, as the MacOS HIG is the only one
where a button doesn't receive the keyboard focus.

You could patch the mouseUp handler in the revDatabase
frontscript to get around that limitation, and make
sure the closeField is called, as follows :

## just after the line
  if exists(pObject) and the
cREVGeneral["databasequeryobject"] of pObject is true
## you insert the following line
    select empty
## this causes any open field to receive a closeField

You might want to bugzilla this problem, and suggest
the patch above.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

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