On 5/24/05 3:16 AM, Lars Brehmer wrote:

Hi all!

Is there something different in Rev 2.5.1 as far as saving changes to stacks in a standalone? When I made stanalones in 2.1.2, I could always save stacks when a splashscreen is the application. I've seen this countless times in posts and it always worked, but it won't work for me using 2.5.1. What's different? Or could it be that I'm checking out a trial version and this is somehow disabled?

The trial version works exactly like the licensed version, except that it expires in 30 days.

Are your stacks in separate files on disk? Or are they substacks of the splash stack? Substacks cannot be saved if they are part of the application. The stacks must be in separate files.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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