I seem to remember having this problem awhile ago.
I used  closestackRequest in the stack being saved as a file/document..



----- Original Message ----- From: "Howard Bornstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Use Revolution" <use-revolution@lists.runrev.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 6:26 AM
Subject: Problems with ShutDownRequest

One of my apps is not processing ShutDownRequest properly, but it's
very complex, so I decided to build a simple test stack. I'm seeing
the same thing with it. All my testing is done after building a
standalone from the stack.

I start out with a main stack. The main stack has this handler:

on ShutDownRequest
 answer "Really, Really Quit?" with "No" or "Quit"
 if it is "Quit" then pass ShutDownRequest
end ShutDownRequest

If I run the main stack and choose Quit, I get the answer dialog and
everything works as expected.

Now, I've put a button on the main stack that creates a new stack and
places this handler in its stack script:

on ShutDownRequest
 send "ShutDownRequest" to stack "Quit Test" -- my main stack
end ShutDownRequest

If I click this button, thus creating the new stack, and then choose
Quit, I again get the answer dialog and everything works fine. If that
stack is frontmost, it sends the ShutDownRequest to my other stack
which puts up the dialog.

Here's the problem. If I close the second stack (the one created by
the button) and then create a another one (by clicking the button
again), THIS TIME, if I select Quit, the standalone quits, closing
both stacks without giving me the answer dialog.

For some reason, creating a stack, closing it, and creating a new one
causes the Rev engine to bypass the ShutDownRequest handlers


If I can't trap shutDownRequest, my clients will lose all their data
if they choose Quit without saving their document.

What am I missing?


Howard Bornstein
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