On May 24, 2005, at 9:07 PM, John Vokey wrote:

I have always found binary coded decimal (BCD) the simplest for this purpose, as it is directly extensible to any length, with only a few lines of code. Please see any (low-level; i.e., machine-code) book on arithmetic algorithms. They may not teach BCD anymore, but back in the day... (i.e., Earth still cooling, ...).

BCD is nice for simple conversion to decimal, especially if you have no divide.

In one sense, one of the methods the Cubist mentioned is related if we stretch our imagination. Just as BCD maps one digit to 4 bits binary, 7 digits can be mapped to 8-bytes floating point. The latter makes it handy for multiplication since you can multiply 7 digits by seven digits and not lose anything. Even if the Cubist represents a number as a series of doubles, he can convert to a decimal numeral quickly without division.

One of the superstitions that came out of the time the Earth was still cooling was that decimal arithmetic required some sort of decimal representation. Not so. You just need a decimal point. It is a subtle distinction, but one that can open doors of representation.


    DSC (Dar Scott Consulting & Dar's Lab)
    Programming and software

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