
I'm using a PC and had this problem too.
I commented out the 2 message lines below. Now it works (I think).

In the card script
on readrelations
first line
-- put empty into message

on showparents
third line
-- put "_" & tid & cr after message


----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Hartley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "How to use Revolution" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:49 AM
Subject: Re: Tree-structure display

You wrote:

Hi THere.

I cant get this to do anything. All I get are messageboxes; is this mac

Bob; Glasgow

Dear all,

I needed a way to organise keywords I use to organize my bookmarks. It
didn't take me more than an afternoon (very long afternoon) to come up

go stack url


The complexity is in the organization (using principles discovered in
books about relational databases like mysql), the coding was suprisingly
easy. Gee, I wouldn't even have thought of starting to code this with any
other language. On the education list, Judy mentioned some were predicting
a chip to directly connect to your brain in 2014. Well, I teach in
cognitive neurosciences, that may have to wait longer (I mean, a chip that
"understand" your thoughts). Still, revolution is the closest I know from
this chip... once you have identified the solution to your problem in your
mind it's only a matter of hours (rather than days or weeks) to have that
solution implemented as a computer program.

If you notice any problem, feel free to fix it (I am not a professional, I
develop tools useful to me; I cannot really afford the time it would take
to make it 100% reliable for users other than myself).

Feel free to use it for the design of an outliner tool or whatever else
you facny. (The stack is distributed as share alike).

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