On May 30, 2005, at 7:56 PM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:

I would like to see something graphic or animation based but would probably learn more from an SQL or XML challenge. You guys always blow me away with MOD and TRUNC etc. Since math is not to my advantage, I am rather visual in nature.



I am no math whiz either, but if you are you asking for an explaination of the way I use Mod and Trunc, it is very simple:

Trunc(number) is simply the integer function. It hands you back the number with any decimal portions thrown away (no rounding). 10.1 becomes 10 and 10.99999 becomes 10.

Mod is the remainder function from a division. It performs a division and throws away the answer but hands you back the remainder. 10.99999 mod 10 is 0.99999. 10.99999/10 the answer is 1 with a remainder of 0.99999.

It is handy in loops if you want to see if a counter is at every Nth count --like every 11th time through the loop you want to do something different. You could say if loopCounter mod 11=0 then doSomething. The remainder will only be 0 if the loopCounter is an even multiple of 11. I use it in this way to update a field or check for user aborts inputs in a long loop where I don't want to waste time doing the UI stuff every time through the loop.

It is also handy to do the opposite of the Trunc function --where you want to throw away the whole number and keep the decimal portion. In this case anyNumber mod 1 will do the trick. 10.99999 mod 1 gives you 0.99999.


get 10.99999
get trunc(it)&it mod 1 --take the number apart and put it back together again


Hope this helps,
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